Free and Regular updated database of commercial and residential real estate around the Salt Lake City, UT 84117. Search by MLS#, City, Zip, Address and Property type in Salt Lake City, UT 84117. Our site includes listings from All Foreclosure Lenders like Banks, Salt Lake City HUD (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development), Salt Lake City USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture) and Salt Lake City VA (Veterans Affairs) and other types of real estate for sale.
Salt Lake City, Utah 84117 area information:
The population of this area is about 23972. The Average count of Households in this area is 10211. Black population is about 188, White Population is about 22426, Hispanic Population is about 866, Asian Population is about 552, Hawaiian Population is about 44, Indian Population is about 109, Other Population is about 274. Average Houses in this area is 224100. Average Income per Household is $51263. Median Age of population is 37.1 years.
Browse Salt Lake City, UT Foreclosure Listings
- City: Salt Lake City (Salt Lake)
- State: UT
- Zip-Code: 84117
- Price: 89,300
Beds: 1
Bath: 1.00
Dec 7, 2015 -
- City: Milloseek (Salt Lake)
- State: UT
- Zip-Code: 84117
- Price: 250,000
Beds: 2
Bath: 2.10
Dec 7, 2015 -
- City: Holladay (Salt Lake)
- State: UT
- Zip-Code: 84117
- Price: 74,000
Beds: 2
Bath: 1.00
Oct 11, 2015 -
- City: Salt Lake City (Salt Lake)
- State: UT
- Zip-Code: 84117
- Price: 118,000
Beds: 2
Bath: 2.00
Jun 18, 2015 -
- City: Holladay (Salt Lake)
- State: UT
- Zip-Code: 84117
- Price: 79,800
Beds: 1
Bath: 1.00
Mar 29, 2015 -
- City: Salt Lake City (Salt Lake)
- State: UT
- Zip-Code: 84117
- Price: 117,810
Beds: 2
Bath: 2.10
Apr 15, 2015 -
- City: Holladay (Salt Lake)
- State: UT
- Zip-Code: 84117
- Price: 92,000
Beds: 2
Bath: 1.00
Mar 9, 2015 -
- City: Salt Lake City (Salt Lake)
- State: UT
- Zip-Code: 84117
- Price: 189,200
Beds: 3
Bath: 1.00
Jan 24, 2015 -
- City: Salt Lake City (Salt Lake)
- State: UT
- Zip-Code: 84117
- Price: 225,000
Beds: 3
Bath: 2.00
Nov 12, 2014 -
- City: Salt Lake City (Salt Lake)
- State: UT
- Zip-Code: 84117
- Price: 109,000
Beds: 2
Bath: 2.00
Jun 18, 2013