71 Cowbell Lane, Chalfont, PA 18914 - For Sale
Located in Little Farm Estates - learn more about this mobile home community. Age-Restricted (55+) Community Don't miss your opportunity to purchase this immaculate home in a quiet, serene country setting community in beautiful Bucks County !!This Marlette home boasts . . . spacious, well insulated, well constructed with a large living room/dining room combined area. The spacious master bedroom has a walk in closet and private bath with a new Bath Fitters sitdown shower.The homeowner in the last three years has made the following improvements: furnace, air conditioner, windows, sliding glass door, sunburst patio exterior door, kitchen countertop, kitchen floor, 18.2 2 door refrigerator, dishwasher, casement windows in kitchen bow window, front loading washer with pull out drawer underneath, electric dryer with pull out drawer underneath, window treatments, carpet throughout - and - you get the advantage of them all !!The 13 x 23 garage with new garage door and opener is a great place to keep your car out of the weather and provides additional storage.You will be proud to live in this 55 plus"friendly, waving"community. Centrally located to Philadelphia-Allentown-Harrisburg, New Jersey. Features include: Soft Panel Ceilings, Drywall Walls, Garage, Storage Shed, Gutters, Patio, Thermopane Windows, Skylight, Central Air, Walk-in Closet, Laundry Room, Pantry, Gas Heat Included appliances: Oven, Refrigerator, Dishwasher, Clothes Washer, Clothes Dryer Monthly costs include: Lot Rent: $400, Utilities: $140, Prop Taxes: $74
71 Cowbell Lane - listing #1010875
- Price: 135,000
- Letest update: 09/24/13
- Bedrooms: 2
- Bathrooms: 2
- Area Size (SF): 28 x 52
Status: For Sale
Added: 2013-06-14 Updated: 2013-09-24
Chalfont, PA 18914 US
(215) 822-0535 for more details.

Useful information about Chalfont, PA 18914 location:
The population of this area is about 17,764. The Average count of Households in this area is 6,418. Black population is about 239, White Population is about 17,016, Hispanic Population is about 200, Asian Population is about 303, Hawaiian Population is about 6, Indian Population is about 10, Other Population is about 60. Average Houses in this area is 188,300. Average Income per Household is $71,549. Median Age of population is 36.4 years.
71 Cowbell Lane, Chalfont, PA 18914 on the Map:
Listing #1010875 on Google Street View:
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Realtor Info
Agent Name: Sharon Hood Little Farm Estates
Phone#: (215) 822-0535