3206 Ebbtide Ln, Palmyra, New Jersey 08065 - For Sale
Corporate Owned!!! 2 bedroom, 21/2 bath, 2 story townhouse in desirable Riverfront! Property features a freshly painted interior, new carpets, fireplace,large eat-in-kitchen with new stainless steel appliances, including microwave and wine cooler. Master bedroom features a full bath and walk in closet, laundry on 2nd floor! Association including ex ... terior of property, plus tennis courts, health club and more!! Property being sold in it's"As Is" condition. Buyer responsible for certificate of occupancy. The seller has directed that all offer on this listing be made using the HomePath online offer system at the HomePath website. There is a 15 day 1st look policy for owner occupant buyer only!! This is a Fannie Mae HomePath Property. Purchase this property for as little as 3% down!!This property is approved for HomePath Mortgage financing and renovation financing.
3206 Ebbtide Ln - listing #1100418
- Year Built: 2000
- Price: 144,900
- Letest update: 09/02/13
- Market Status: Active
- Bedrooms: 2
- Bathrooms: 3
- Flooring: Carpet - Full, Vinyl
- Living Area (SF): 1,292
- Heating Type: Forced Air
Status: For Sale
Added: 2013-08-21 Updated: 2013-09-02
Palmyra, New Jersey 08065 US
(856) 424-4040 for more details.
Useful information about Palmyra, New Jersey 08065 location:
The population of this area is about 7,091. The Average count of Households in this area is 3,219. Black population is about 1,017, White Population is about 5,743, Hispanic Population is about 229, Asian Population is about 99, Hawaiian Population is about 3, Indian Population is about 21, Other Population is about 100. Average Houses in this area is 110,500. Average Income per Household is $51,150. Median Age of population is 38.0 years.
3206 Ebbtide Ln, Palmyra, New Jersey 08065 on the Map:
Listing #1100418 on Google Street View:
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Realtor Info
Agent Name: alan browne
Address: 1736 ROUTE 70 EAST,
Cherry Hill,
Phone#: (856) 424-4040
Email: [email protected]