9517 Portside Dr, Fort Pierce, Florida 34945 - For Sale
Beautiful 4 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 car garage CBS home with 1,864/SF under air. Crown molding throughout, formal living room, open kitchen overlooks spacious family room. Master bedroom has a big walk-in closet, dual sinks and linen closet. Recessed lights, utility room, pantry, screened patio and privacy fenced yard. Nice gated community with clubhous ... e, pool, fountain, gated play ground, lighted basket ball courts, sidewalks, street lights, underground utilities and more.. This is a Fannie Mae HomePath Property. Purchase this Home for as little as 3% Down! This property is approved for HomePath Mortgage Financing. This property is approved for HomePath Renovation Mortgage Financing. Please allow 15 days on market for Second Home Buyers or Investor offers. Buyer to pay State Stamp on Deed.
9517 Portside Dr - listing #1125157
- Year Built: 2007
- Price: 102,900
- Letest update: 10/09/13
- Market Status: Under Contract
- Bedrooms: 4
- Bathrooms: 2
- Flooring: Carpet, Tile - Ceramic
- Living Area (SF): 2,164
- Sewer Type: Public
- Area Size (SF): 4950 sf
Status: For Sale
Added: 2013-09-05 Updated: 2013-10-09
Fort Pierce, Florida 34945 US
(772) 871-0340 for more details.
Useful information about Fort Pierce, Florida 34945 location:
The population of this area is about 4,096. The Average count of Households in this area is 1,444. Black population is about 459, White Population is about 3,483, Hispanic Population is about 270, Asian Population is about 25, Hawaiian Population is about 2, Indian Population is about 4, Other Population is about 80. Average Houses in this area is 119,900. Average Income per Household is $40,099. Median Age of population is 40.0 years.
9517 Portside Dr, Fort Pierce, Florida 34945 on the Map:
Listing #1125157 on Google Street View:
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Realtor Info
Agent Name: sharon kelly-brown
Address: 950 SW Bayshore Blvd,
Port St Lucie,
Company Name: Sharon J Kelly Realty
Phone#: (772) 871-0340
Email: [email protected]