718 Chesapeake Ave, Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 - For Sale
This listing Located in Maryland Silver Spring on 718 Chesapeake Ave street.
The house has a 2/Beds. And 2baths. The Living Area of is 1,454. This real estate listing was added to our db on Oct 21, 2013. The heating type is Forced Air. This was built in 1941 year. The Area of this is 0.12 acres (SF).
***Highest and Best due Oct 1 at 3:30 pm*** Property features HW floors, family room addition, fireplace, separate dining room and extra room in the attic! Purchase this property for as little as 3% down! Sold AS IS. Seller's title to hold EMD (cert.funds). The seller has directed that all offers on this listing be made using the HomePath Online Of ... fer system at the HomePath website.
718 Chesapeake Ave - listing #1181453
- Year Built: 1941
- Price: 359,900
- Letest update: 10/21/13
- Market Status: Under Contract
- Bedrooms: 2
- Bathrooms: 2
- Living Area (SF): 1,454
- Heating Type: Forced Air
- Area Size (SF): 0.12 acres
Status: For Sale
Added: 2013-10-21 Updated: 2013-10-21
Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 US
(202) 756-4200 for more details.
Useful information about Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 location:
The population of this area is about 35,588. The Average count of Households in this area is 16,781. Black population is about 11,254, White Population is about 18,354, Hispanic Population is about 4,792, Asian Population is about 2,194, Hawaiian Population is about 22, Indian Population is about 116, Other Population is about 1,950. Average Houses in this area is 208,300. Average Income per Household is $50,552. Median Age of population is 35.8 years.
718 Chesapeake Ave, Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 on the Map:
Listing #1181453 on Google Street View:
NOTE: Information about property that situated on 718 Chesapeake Ave, Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 was got from sources deemed reliable,
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Realtor Info
Agent Name: pennye green
Address: 5028 WISCONSIN AVE NW 100,
Washington Dc,
Company Name: Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage
Phone#: (202) 756-4200
Email: [email protected]