7873 NW 62ND WAY, Parkland, Florida 33067 - For Sale
UPGRADEs galore. 24/7 guard gated community, Parkland Schools. Hardwood floors all bedrooms w/ custom closets throughout. Filtration system, reverse osmosis, solar hot water, low utility bills w/ new insulation and roof. Custom master shower, crown molding and high ceilings. All new electric, fans thru-out w./ remotes. New pool equip, diamond bright, lighting, pump and filter. 19 sear Trane still under warranty and annual maintenance. MUST see! Not a short sale or a foreclosure, priced to sell. Features: First Floor Entry, Split Bedroom, Volume Ceilings, Walk-In Closets
7873 NW 62ND WAY - listing #1187890
- Type: Single Family
- Year Built: 1998
- Price: 375,000
- MLS#: F1261138
- Letest update: 10/25/13
- Bedrooms: 4
- Bathrooms: 2 / 1
Status: For Sale
Added: 2013-10-25 Updated: 2013-10-25
Parkland, Florida 33067 US
for more details.
Useful information about Pompano Beach, Florida 33067 location:
The population of this area is about 23,107. The Average count of Households in this area is 7,926. Black population is about 1,081, White Population is about 20,361, Hispanic Population is about 2,329, Asian Population is about 935, Hawaiian Population is about 1, Indian Population is about 31, Other Population is about 315. Average Houses in this area is 225,500. Average Income per Household is $80,040. Median Age of population is 35.1 years.
7873 NW 62ND WAY, Parkland, Florida 33067 on the Map:
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