923 Blanton St., Tuscumbia, AL 35674 - For Sale
This is a wonderful one level split bedroom floor plan. If you are a cook this is the home for you! The kitchen has fabulous upgrades including a gas cooktop and stove. Notice that the stove is a double oven. The microwave can also be used as a convection oven. The master bath has a gorgeous tile shower that is handicap accessible. You can also enjoy the beautiful backyard from your gazebo. The home also offers a central vac system! Sit in your great room and cozy up next to the gas log fireplace. Home also offers large entry way with the oversized circle driveway. This is a must see! BUYER TO VERIFY SQUARE FOOTAGE.
923 Blanton St. - listing #1198752
- Type: Single Family
- Year Built: 2005
- Price: $199,900
- MLS#: 385859
- Letest update: 01/10/14
- Bedrooms: 3
- Bathrooms: 2
- Area Size (SF): 1,861
Status: For Sale
Added: 2013-10-31 Updated: 2014-01-10
Tuscumbia, AL 35674 US
for more details.
Useful information about Tuscumbia, AL 35674 location:
The population of this area is about 18,361. The Average count of Households in this area is 8,206. Black population is about 2,171, White Population is about 15,907, Hispanic Population is about 201, Asian Population is about 19, Hawaiian Population is about 0, Indian Population is about 58, Other Population is about 53. Average Houses in this area is 71,700. Average Income per Household is $30,609. Median Age of population is 39.0 years.
923 Blanton St., Tuscumbia, AL 35674 on the Map:
Listing #1198752 on Google Street View:
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