26695 Paddington Court, Murrieta, CA 92563 - For Sale
Spectacular home in the community of Clarendon Hills on approx. 8,712 sq. ft. lot. SINGLE STORY with apprx. 3,023 sq. ft. There are 4 bed/2.5 baths. Exterior entry has front iron gate. Interior entry has decorative double columns. Entry way, kitchen, and family room have Travertine flooring. Kitchen is a dream come true with granite counters, double-oven, and microwave. There is a large built-in tub in the master bathroom, whole house water purification system, storage cabinets/racks in the garage, built-in ironing board, built-in "50" flat screen TV, great backyard with salt water pool/spa, outdoor kitchen with BBQ, refrigerator, burner, and sink. Bar stools and umbrella. Prime location near freeways, schools, parks, and the Promenade mall. List Price Excludes: Personal decorating items & tenants personal property. Additional items may be noted when access is granted.
26695 Paddington Court - listing #1223121
- Type: Single Family
- Year Built: 2002
- Price: $369,900
- MLS#: SW13006774
- Letest update: 11/11/13
- Bedrooms: 4
- Bathrooms: 3
- Area Size (SF): 3,023
Status: For Sale
Added: 2013-11-11 Updated: 2013-11-11
Murrieta, CA 92563 US
for more details.
Useful information about Murrieta, CA 92563 location:
The population of this area is about 18,303. The Average count of Households in this area is 6,123. Black population is about 777, White Population is about 14,122, Hispanic Population is about 3,610, Asian Population is about 805, Hawaiian Population is about 63, Indian Population is about 162, Other Population is about 1,577. Average Houses in this area is 183,700. Average Income per Household is $52,208. Median Age of population is 33.0 years.
26695 Paddington Court, Murrieta, CA 92563 on the Map:
Listing #1223121 on Google Street View:
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