16528 East Sugargrove Ave, Whittier, CA 90604 - For Sale
Another tasteful renovation project by your team at West Coast Homes Group awaits your large family. This home features upgrades throughout including new flooring, interior and exterior paint, recessed lighting, new custom cabinetry, new stainless steel slide-in stove, stainless steel and glass island fan hood, 18 gauge stainless steel under mounted sink, stainless steel dishwasher, granite counters and so much more! Centrally located near schools,retail shopping and dining at every level.
16528 East Sugargrove Ave - listing #1252624
- Type: Single Family
- Price: $498,800
- MLS#: DW13180537
- Letest update: 11/23/13
- Bedrooms: 5
- Bathrooms: 2
- Area Size (SF): 2,058
Status: For Sale
Added: 2013-11-23 Updated: 2013-11-23
Whittier, CA 90604 US
for more details.
Useful information about Whittier, CA 90604 location:
The population of this area is about 37,869. The Average count of Households in this area is 11,970. Black population is about 620, White Population is about 23,933, Hispanic Population is about 20,634, Asian Population is about 1,429, Hawaiian Population is about 75, Indian Population is about 380, Other Population is about 9,514. Average Houses in this area is 185,800. Average Income per Household is $49,836. Median Age of population is 31.8 years.
16528 East Sugargrove Ave, Whittier, CA 90604 on the Map:
Listing #1252624 on Google Street View:
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