15039 Midcrest Dr, Whittier, CA 90604 - For Sale
Delightful single story home on a private drive...within walking distance of La Serna High, Hillview Middle schools. This three bedroom, two bath home features hardwood flooring throughout the home, recessed lighting, skylights, fireplace in living room, upgraded kitchen with European cabinetry, granite counters, newer stainless steel stove and hood top, designer paint, loads of windows. It also has copper plumbing, upgrades in the master bath plus a separate laundry room and a tank less water heater. Large yards provide plenty of space for play and parking, possible RV. Fully fenced with block wall in rear. Great value! Directions South on La Mirada Blvd. to South of Mulberry. Look for private street on the East side of the street. Pass street and perform U-turn at next possible left turn, return to Midcrest. Turn right into street. Special Conditions: Short Sale/Subj to Lender Approval**
15039 Midcrest Dr - listing #1252651
- Type: Single Family
- Price: $355,000
- MLS#: P838849
- Letest update: 11/23/13
- Bedrooms: 3
- Bathrooms: 2
- Area Size (SF): 1,452
Status: For Sale
Added: 2013-11-23 Updated: 2013-11-23
Whittier, CA 90604 US
for more details.
Useful information about Whittier, CA 90604 location:
The population of this area is about 37,869. The Average count of Households in this area is 11,970. Black population is about 620, White Population is about 23,933, Hispanic Population is about 20,634, Asian Population is about 1,429, Hawaiian Population is about 75, Indian Population is about 380, Other Population is about 9,514. Average Houses in this area is 185,800. Average Income per Household is $49,836. Median Age of population is 31.8 years.
15039 Midcrest Dr, Whittier, CA 90604 on the Map:
Listing #1252651 on Google Street View:
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