Unit C-29 - 2657 Lenox Road, Atlanta, GA 30324 - For Sale
Location Location Location - Unbelievable Value in Luxury Buckhead and Recently Renovated! You must see this beautifully renovated with new sound proof windows and door to balcony to function as a sunroom/all season room. Condo features Kitchen with Island/breakfast bar, stainless appliances, granite countertops, hardwood floors, and a nice size bedroom with great closet space. Complex has pool, lovely outdoor entertainment area with professional landscaping plus fitness center. Gated community with security guard. This Is Not a Short Sale or Foreclosure.
Unit C-29 - 2657 Lenox Road - listing #1292425
- Type: Condominium
- Year Built: 1994
- Price: 76,900
- Letest update: 03/28/14
- Bedrooms: 1
- Bathrooms: 1.00
- Fire Place: None
- Heating Type: Central System, Electric
- Area Size (SF): 650
Status: For Sale
Added: 2013-12-12 Updated: 2014-03-28
Atlanta, GA 30324 US
404.308.6987 for more details.
Useful information about Atlanta, GA 30324 location:
The population of this area is about 20,317. The Average count of Households in this area is 11,861. Black population is about 2,010, White Population is about 14,347, Hispanic Population is about 3,929, Asian Population is about 875, Hawaiian Population is about 10, Indian Population is about 55, Other Population is about 2,474. Average Houses in this area is 271,100. Average Income per Household is $54,953. Median Age of population is 32.8 years.
Unit C-29 - 2657 Lenox Road, Atlanta, GA 30324 on the Map:
Listing #1292425 on Google Street View:
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Realtor Info
Agent Name: Glenn Wisenbaker
Phone#: 404.308.6987
Email: [email protected]