5954 Jumilla Avenue, Woodland Hills, CA 91367 - For Sale
This wonderful "College Acres" property sits on a sweeping corner lot and has an approximately 720 square foot (included in the square footage total) 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom GUEST QUARTERS! The spectacular curb appeal is accented by a used brick path that leads you to a covered porch. So much charm with Hardwood floors throughout and brick fireplaces in the living room and master bedroom. The sunny kitchen has tile counters, floors and a breakfast nook. The spacious formal dining room opens to the living room. The enormous master bedroom has French doors that open to a brick courtyard with an outside fireplace. Other upgrades include crown molding, recessed lighting, mirrored closets, ceiling fans, copper plumbing and Milgard dual paned French type windows throughout! Professionally landscaped grounds with a Koi pond, grassy yard with room for a pool and raised garden boxes plus RV parking access and a 3 car garage! The free standing GUEST QUARTERS has cathedral wood ceilings, living room, dining area, spacious bedroom with a walk-in closet and bathroom. The guest quarters also has a private brick patio.
5954 Jumilla Avenue - listing #1297663
- Type: Single Family
- Year Built: 1950
- Price: $899,000
- MLS#: SR13199329
- Letest update: 12/14/13
- Bedrooms: 4
- Bathrooms: 2
- Area Size (SF): 2,572
Status: For Sale
Added: 2013-12-14 Updated: 2013-12-14
Woodland Hills, CA 91367 US
for more details.
Useful information about Woodland Hills, CA 91367 location:
The population of this area is about 36,106. The Average count of Households in this area is 16,549. Black population is about 1,259, White Population is about 29,661, Hispanic Population is about 2,754, Asian Population is about 2,632, Hawaiian Population is about 44, Indian Population is about 110, Other Population is about 846. Average Houses in this area is 323,600. Average Income per Household is $61,356. Median Age of population is 40.5 years.
5954 Jumilla Avenue, Woodland Hills, CA 91367 on the Map:
Listing #1297663 on Google Street View:
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