400 S Garfield Ave, Monterey Park, CA 91754 - For Sale
Located at the most desirable area of Monterey Park, features 3 bedrooms and 2.5 bathrooms. Cozy porch for deep breathing from work before enter into the sweet home. Ample living space, wooden floor throughout the living room, dinning room and the den/office at main floor. Fireplace at living room, sliding door brings warm and bright light to the whole living space. Open floor plan in kitchen, good for communication while cooking. Well maintained master bedroom upstair with walking closet. Carpets for all bedrooms and stairs. Tile floor in all bathrooms and kitchen. There is bonus space aside laundry room next to garage with direct access. Seller replaced the new quiet rolling garage door recently. Very convenient and walking distance to shops, schools, restaurants and bus stations. Barnes Park just 5 minutes walk away, bring your family to enjoy the facilities, big grass land, play ground, swimming pool, tennis court and many attractive activities holding often. MOVE in condition and wait for you to add your own characters.
400 S Garfield Ave - listing #1311002
- Type: Condo/Townhouse
- Price: $419,000
- MLS#: AR13227046
- Letest update: 12/24/13
- Bedrooms: 3
- Bathrooms: 3
- Area Size (SF): 1,472
Status: For Sale
Added: 2013-12-24 Updated: 2013-12-24
Monterey Park, CA 91754 US
for more details.
Useful information about Monterey Park, CA 91754 location:
The population of this area is about 33,263. The Average count of Households in this area is 11,664. Black population is about 123, White Population is about 7,590, Hispanic Population is about 10,419, Asian Population is about 19,632, Hawaiian Population is about 18, Indian Population is about 244, Other Population is about 4,469. Average Houses in this area is 218,700. Average Income per Household is $40,267. Median Age of population is 39.0 years.
400 S Garfield Ave, Monterey Park, CA 91754 on the Map:
Listing #1311002 on Google Street View:
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