55 Gingerwood, Irvine, CA 92603 - For Sale
Private warm Tuscan feel corner Townhome. Featuring 3 bedrooms, two full baths, an office niche, patio off diningroom area and master bedroom. Coffered ceiling in living and dining area, crown molding in bedrooms. Upgraded master bath, with dual sinks stone tiled,oval tub, custom made master closet shelves. Kitchen features, granite counter tops, stainless steel appliances, walk in pantry. Separate laundry room area. Two car garage, direct access. Surround sound, alarm system wired. Water softner. Enjoy the association ammenities, with an olympic size pool, spa, barbecue area. A short distance to Las Lomas Community Park, University High School, UCI, major freeways. A short drive to Newport Beach, Fashion Island, Corona Del MAr, Newport Coast.
55 Gingerwood - listing #1330760
- Type: Condo/Townhouse
- Year Built: 2004
- Price: $750,000
- MLS#: OC13139842
- Letest update: 01/07/14
- Bedrooms: 3
- Bathrooms: 2
- Area Size (SF): 1,787
Status: For Sale
Added: 2014-01-07 Updated: 2014-01-07
Irvine, CA 92603 US
for more details.
Useful information about Irvine, CA 92603 location:
The population of this area is about 0. The Average count of Households in this area is 0. Black population is about 0, White Population is about 0, Hispanic Population is about 0, Asian Population is about 0, Hawaiian Population is about 0, Indian Population is about 0, Other Population is about 0. Average Houses in this area is 0. Average Income per Household is $0. Median Age of population is 0.0 years.
55 Gingerwood, Irvine, CA 92603 on the Map:
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