852 Sierra Vista, Yreka, CA 96097 - For Sale
This is an above Average quality constructed property. Tenants in two units. # 3 can be shown without 24 hr. Notice, we request that because all units are alike that until we get this unit rented, it be shown, all offers can be made subject to approval of viewing the other two units. Unit one has a range and dishwasher; Unit two has a range, disposal, dishwasher and refrigerator; Unit 3 has the same as #2 plus washer and dryer. All appliances are without warranty. Above average HVAC per unit, each unit has it's own city water meter, plus a covered carport, and locking storage unit, privacy chain link fence around each back yard w/lawn & patio area. Two additional guest parking spaces. Water for the lawns goes thou meter for # 3. Very clean well built units, w/great views overlooking the whole Yreka area from a distance. Great area to own rental units. Very well maintained. This is a must see property for the investor or even for someone wanting a place to live, with rental income. Exterior is Hardy Plank.
852 Sierra Vista - listing #1347526
- Type: Multi-Family
- Price: $299,000
- MLS#: 104639
- Letest update: 01/20/14
- Bedrooms: 6
- Bathrooms: 3
- Area Size (SF): 2,794
Status: For Sale
Added: 2014-01-20 Updated: 2014-01-20
Yreka, CA 96097 US
for more details.
Useful information about Yreka, CA 96097 location:
The population of this area is about 9,528. The Average count of Households in this area is 4,371. Black population is about 44, White Population is about 8,333, Hispanic Population is about 473, Asian Population is about 157, Hawaiian Population is about 7, Indian Population is about 513, Other Population is about 140. Average Houses in this area is 101,800. Average Income per Household is $29,392. Median Age of population is 42.2 years.
852 Sierra Vista, Yreka, CA 96097 on the Map:
Listing #1347526 on Google Street View:
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