1755 Indian Hill Road, Pelham, AL 35124 - For Sale
If you are looking for convenience and location - then look at this! Located near Riverchase, the Galleria, Hwy 31 & Minutes to I-65 or I-459, Indian Hills is a nice well established neighborhood! This nicely updated home is located in a private no traffic cul-de-sac with low maintenance vinyl siding, newer high efficiency windows, updated kitchen and baths! The huge back yard is fully fenced with natural areas, woods & a fire pit area. The living room has vaulted ceiling, wood burning fireplace & Bamboo hardwood flooring throughout the entire main floor, even all 3 bedrooms. The kitchen was updated a few years ago with custom cabinets, new appliances & granite look countertops. Step out onto the beautiful screen porch or the open deck! The large basement has a den, full size bedroom & a full bath, plus a huge 2 car garage with tons of storage and new garage doors & openers. This home is truly move-in ready!
1755 Indian Hill Road - listing #1381422
- Type: Single Family
- Year Built: 1983
- Price: $179,900
- MLS#: 588221
- Letest update: 06/03/14
- Bedrooms: 4
- Bathrooms: 3
- Area Size (SF): 0.00
Status: For Sale
Added: 2014-02-27 Updated: 2014-06-03
Pelham, AL 35124 US
for more details.
Useful information about Pelham, AL 35124 location:
The population of this area is about 16,781. The Average count of Households in this area is 6,747. Black population is about 677, White Population is about 15,181, Hispanic Population is about 952, Asian Population is about 270, Hawaiian Population is about 0, Indian Population is about 54, Other Population is about 426. Average Houses in this area is 135,100. Average Income per Household is $58,105. Median Age of population is 36.0 years.
1755 Indian Hill Road, Pelham, AL 35124 on the Map:
Listing #1381422 on Google Street View:
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