2100 Van Buren St # 301, Hollywood, Florida 33020 - Condo For Rent
Best Views for the Pool Area, No train noise from this unit and the nicest upgrades. Kitchen with Backsplash, Stainless steel appliances, granite counter tops, 11 foot ceilings, 8 foot doors, large balcony with 2 doble doors, 1 assigned storage room/cage on the same floor, Impact windows, elevators and much more secured features. Location is the best in Hollywood Downtown, walking distance to restaurants, supermarket, galleries, & close to international airport, Gulfstream race track & Aventura Mall. Features: Community Pool, Management On Site, First Floor Entry, Elevator, Fire Sprinklers, Roman Tub, Vaulted Ceilings, High Impact Doors, Open Balcony
2100 Van Buren St # 301 - listing #1417901
- Type: Condo
- Year Built: 2007
- Price: 1,600
- MLS#: A10065416
- Letest update: 05/10/16
- Bedrooms: 1
- Bathrooms: 1
Status: For Rent
Added: 2014-04-06 Updated: 2016-05-10
Hollywood, Florida 33020 US
for more details.
Useful information about Hollywood, Florida 33020 location:
The population of this area is about 40,466. The Average count of Households in this area is 20,897. Black population is about 9,296, White Population is about 26,834, Hispanic Population is about 8,772, Asian Population is about 589, Hawaiian Population is about 30, Indian Population is about 141, Other Population is about 1,776. Average Houses in this area is 92,300. Average Income per Household is $28,610. Median Age of population is 36.9 years.
2100 Van Buren St # 301, Hollywood, Florida 33020 on the Map:
Listing #1417901 on Google Street View:
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