4746 Oakleigh Manor Drive, Powder Springs, GA 30127 - For Sale
MOTIVATED SELLER REDUCED $126K for quick sale! Executive estate w/cir dr on sprawling landscaped grounds, gunite pool w/div. board, waterfall Jac., firepit. Ext. millwork, keeping rm w/wet bar, hdwd flrs thruout main ex. Chef's tiled kit w/SS appl, granite, disappearing pantry. Gentleman's study w/FP; fireside FR w/built-ins; 3 porches. Breezeway to 3-car gar. w/pool FULL BA + finished apt w/great rm, BR, full BA, kit - not included in sq ft. Tons of space-walkup attic, media rm, vintage potato barn for lawn/pool equip! MUST SEE!
4746 Oakleigh Manor Drive - listing #1440253
- Type: Residential
- Year Built: 2001
- Price: 699,000
- Letest update: 02/22/17
- Bedrooms: 6
- Bathrooms: 6.50
- Fire Place: 3
- Heating Type: Forced Air, Gas, Zoned
- Area Size (SF): 5,377
Status: For Sale
Added: 2014-05-05 Updated: 2017-02-22
Powder Springs, GA 30127 US
404.630.3187 for more details.
Useful information about Powder Springs, GA 30127 location:
The population of this area is about 47,151. The Average count of Households in this area is 15,798. Black population is about 10,243, White Population is about 35,071, Hispanic Population is about 1,469, Asian Population is about 429, Hawaiian Population is about 13, Indian Population is about 125, Other Population is about 649. Average Houses in this area is 127,900. Average Income per Household is $64,084. Median Age of population is 33.3 years.
4746 Oakleigh Manor Drive, Powder Springs, GA 30127 on the Map:
Listing #1440253 on Google Street View:
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Realtor Info
Agent Name: Ryan Ward
Phone#: 404.630.3187
Email: [email protected]