0-26 Blocksburg, Santa Margarita, CA 93453 - For Sale
Single Family - Santa Margarita, CA Great location at the north end of Soda Lake, with great recreational value here. Located at the south end of the California Valley Subdivision slightly east in the valley floor location. Close to electricity, but not on the property. Drive time is about 1 hour and 20 minutes from town of Santa Margarita so please fill up with fuel before heading out and take plenty of water. Winter weather can cause fluctuations in road conditions and surfaces are all dirt once you are off main roads into subdivision.
0-26 Blocksburg - listing #1451964
- Type: Lot/Land
- Price: $6,500
- MLS#: 201354
- Letest update: 05/19/14
Status: For Sale
Added: 2014-05-19 Updated: 2014-05-19
Santa Margarita, CA 93453 US
805-610-0062 for more details.

Useful information about Santa Margarita, CA 93453 location:
The population of this area is about 2,678. The Average count of Households in this area is 1,183. Black population is about 8, White Population is about 2,425, Hispanic Population is about 290, Asian Population is about 19, Hawaiian Population is about 1, Indian Population is about 44, Other Population is about 74. Average Houses in this area is 160,400. Average Income per Household is $44,545. Median Age of population is 40.4 years.
0-26 Blocksburg, Santa Margarita, CA 93453 on the Map:
Listing #1451964 on Google Street View:
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Realtor Info
Agent Name: Cynthia Fisher
Phone#: 805-610-0062