105 E. Meadowhill Dr., Florence, AL 35633 - For Sale
Located in gated subdivision of Robbins Ridge with 3 acres and a park-like setting! The front porch has "two-story" feel with fabulous beveled glass door and side windows. Dramatic foyer with new FRENCH BASKET chandelier and wonderful look with winding staircase and open to living room. 2nd stairway from kitchen. Hardwood floors abound and many stained dark walnut with that Restoration Hardware Look! Remodeled kitchen in past year, great looking cabinets and new everything! stainless appliances, new countertop, lovely fixtures, and open to keeping room. Living room with gas log fireplace and lots of windows, overlooking screened porch, large deck, and lush backyard. Large Master Suite with its own office, huge basement with rec room. Great looking house, come inside! Located in gated subdivision of Robbins Ridge with 3 acres and a park-like setting! The front porch has "two-story" feel with fabulous beveled glass door and side windows. Dramatic foyer with new FRENCH BASKET chandelier and wonderful look with winding staircase and open to living room. 2nd stairway from kitchen. Hardwood floors abound and many stained dark walnut with that Restoration Hardware Look! Remodeled kitchen in past year, great looking cabinets and new everything! stainless appliances, new countertop, lovely fixtures, and open to keeping room. Living room with gas log fireplace and lots of windows, overlooking screened porch, large deck, and lush backyard. Large Master Suite with its own office, huge basement with rec room. Great looking house, come inside!
105 E. Meadowhill Dr. - listing #1460926
- Type: Single Family
- Year Built: 1995
- Price: $439,000
- MLS#: 388150
- Letest update: 07/13/14
- Bedrooms: 4
- Bathrooms: 4
- Area Size (SF): 5,196
Status: For Sale
Added: 2014-05-27 Updated: 2014-07-13
Florence, AL 35633 US
for more details.
Useful information about Florence, AL 35633 location:
The population of this area is about 19,521. The Average count of Households in this area is 8,229. Black population is about 1,148, White Population is about 18,120, Hispanic Population is about 184, Asian Population is about 50, Hawaiian Population is about 1, Indian Population is about 40, Other Population is about 58. Average Houses in this area is 89,300. Average Income per Household is $39,401. Median Age of population is 37.7 years.
105 E. Meadowhill Dr., Florence, AL 35633 on the Map:
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