1392 Stevens Rd, Barton, VT 05822 - For Sale
Residential Property, Cape - Barton, VT Tucked in the heart of the Northeast Kingdom you'll find this spacious 3 bedroom 2 full bath cape on 10.35 acres. Home features a flowing layout with elegant foyer entrance a bedroom and full bath on the main floor and an open kitchen/dining area. Living room features large windows and pellet stove. Two bedrooms including master bedroom with full bath and sitting area or den round out the second floor. Additional living space in the full, finished walk-out basement with radiant heat makes for the perfect space for entertaining or gathering. Walk out to the gracious lawn area and swim, fish or skip stones across the pond. Detached, heated two car garage with overhead storage, plus an additional out building rounds out all this fantastic property has to offer. Easy access from Interstate-91 makes for simple commute to points North and South. Need a bonus, its located just over a mile from Parker Pie for all of your culinary and entertainment cravings!
1392 Stevens Rd - listing #1490822
- Type: Single Family
- Price: $249,900
- MLS#: 4353393
- Letest update: 07/05/14
- Bedrooms: 3
- Bathrooms: 2.0
Status: For Sale
Added: 2014-07-05 Updated: 2014-07-05
Barton, VT 05822 US
802-673-5999 for more details.
![1392 Stevens Rd, Barton, VT photo](https://images.freerealestateresources.com/Vol1/VT/000001490/1490822/4b55228b324e64d22207b1f9ad77ccea.jpg)
Useful information about Barton, VT 05822 location:
The population of this area is about 1,653. The Average count of Households in this area is 1,048. Black population is about 4, White Population is about 1,611, Hispanic Population is about 3, Asian Population is about 1, Hawaiian Population is about 0, Indian Population is about 8, Other Population is about 0. Average Houses in this area is 76,000. Average Income per Household is $31,908. Median Age of population is 39.9 years.
1392 Stevens Rd, Barton, VT 05822 on the Map:
Listing #1490822 on Google Street View:
NOTE: Information about Single Family property that situated on 1392 Stevens Rd, Barton, VT 05822 was got from sources deemed reliable,
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Realtor Info
Agent Name: Barry Sykes
Phone#: 802-673-5999