Home - Homes For Sale - GA - Lexington - 30648 - 25 Loyd Smith

25 Loyd Smith, Lexington, GA 30648 - For Sale

QUIET IN THE PINES! Enjoy peace and quiet in the Pines! This home welcomes you from the moment you walk up to the rocking chair front porch. Entering the home, you will be impressed by the expanse of pine wood flooring and the open plan. The spacious great room, with French doors leading to a deck, provides a great gathering area. The eat in kitchen boasts an island, wood flooring, stainless appliances, including a gas stove, and a walk-in pantry. The office is conveniently located between the foyer and the kitchen. It could easily be used as a separate dining room. The master suite features a comfortable bedroom with walk-in closet with a private door leading to the deck. The en-suite bath has a jetted tub, double vanity and a separate shower, No worries about filling the jetted tub. The house has an instant gas water heater! The split bedroom plan is ideal for family and guests. Two bedrooms share a hall bath and a the fourth bedroom has its own private bath. Ideally located by the master bedroom is the tiled laundry room with a laundry tub and storage. The unfinished, heated and cooled basement is stubbed for a bath, and is great for storage, play area, or future expansion. The approx. 2.4 acres provides privacy and is ideal for children and pets! $183,500 Call Judy 706-255-5781

25 Loyd Smith - listing #1523092

  • Type: Single Family
  • Price: $183,500
  • MLS#: 939891
  • Letest update: 12/05/14
  • Bedrooms: 4
  • Bathrooms: 3.0
Real estate listing #1523092
Status: For Sale
Added: 2014-09-04 Updated: 2014-12-05
Address: 25 Loyd Smith,
Lexington, GA 30648 US
Price: $183,500
Please contact Judy Payne at
706-255-5781 for more details.
Judy Payne
 25 Loyd Smith, Lexington, GA photo

Useful information about Lexington, GA 30648 location:

The population of this area is about 2,237. The Average count of Households in this area is 922. Black population is about 633, White Population is about 1,562, Hispanic Population is about 25, Asian Population is about 5, Hawaiian Population is about 2, Indian Population is about 4, Other Population is about 14. Average Houses in this area is 82,800. Average Income per Household is $33,125. Median Age of population is 36.9 years.

25 Loyd Smith, Lexington, GA 30648 on the Map:

Listing #1523092 on Google Street View:

NOTE: Information about Single Family property that situated on 25 Loyd Smith, Lexington, GA 30648 was got from sources deemed reliable, however FreeRealEstateResources.com can't give warranty about listing details like price, agent contact information, property facts and status (foreclosed or not) because this information can be changed or withdrawal without notice. If You want to get more details about property please feel free to contact directly with this listing Agent or with property Owner.
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Realtor Info

Agent Name: Judy Payne
Phone#: 706-255-5781


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