315 69 ST # 207, Miami Beach, Florida 33141 - Condo For Rent
Very nice 1 bedroom unit on 2nd floor in gated secure mimo building with pool. Presently bldg. is being painted outside and interior will be completed by end of sept .Apt offers attractive granite counters and wood kit cabinets .New wood wood flrs thoughout* Best location- need no car, walk to publix, banks, shopping, many restaurants. Public transit out your front door. Even better this bldg. is 1 blk from public beach entry at canyon ranch !! 3 day approval approval . ez to see !only 1 bed active !!!!
315 69 ST # 207 - listing #1548259
- Type: Condo
- Year Built: 1957
- Price: 1,245
- MLS#: A2003926
- Letest update: 10/05/14
- Bedrooms: 1
- Bathrooms: 1
Status: For Rent
Added: 2014-10-05 Updated: 2014-10-05
Miami Beach, Florida 33141 US
for more details.
Useful information about Miami Beach, Florida 33141 location:
The population of this area is about 36,545. The Average count of Households in this area is 18,521. Black population is about 2,106, White Population is about 29,789, Hispanic Population is about 22,906, Asian Population is about 545, Hawaiian Population is about 14, Indian Population is about 115, Other Population is about 2,300. Average Houses in this area is 195,000. Average Income per Household is $24,535. Median Age of population is 37.3 years.
315 69 ST # 207, Miami Beach, Florida 33141 on the Map:
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