7028 Sevilla Court# 504, Cape Canaveral, FL 32920 - For Sale
Spectacular top floor, Direct Banana River end unit. Owners have spared no expense on this beauty with upgrades totaling over $60,000 to deck this unit out. Like no other this Immaculate, custom built 3 bedroom, 2 bath condo has it all, tile throughout living room, dining areas.This Kitchen is absolutely gorgeous with thick heavy granite counter tops, the entire back splash area is all granite up to the cabinetry. and expansive granite bar area. The beautiful tall Cherry cabinets and KitchenAid stainless steel appliances are top of the line, even the refrigerator has a matching custom overlay cherry cabinetry panel. Both baths have granite counter tops, Master bath has jacuzzi tub.Large walk-in closets in bedrooms. Click MORE to read more information on this beauty.
7028 Sevilla Court# 504 - listing #1549460
- Type: Single Family
- Price: $399,000
- MLS#: 705906
- Letest update: 11/09/14
- Bedrooms: 3
- Bathrooms: 2.0
Status: For Sale
Added: 2014-10-07 Updated: 2014-11-09
Cape Canaveral, FL 32920 US
321-795-8541 for more details.
Useful information about Cape Canaveral, FL 32920 location:
The population of this area is about 9,036. The Average count of Households in this area is 6,785. Black population is about 126, White Population is about 8,558, Hispanic Population is about 318, Asian Population is about 156, Hawaiian Population is about 5, Indian Population is about 28, Other Population is about 38. Average Houses in this area is 92,900. Average Income per Household is $30,813. Median Age of population is 46.4 years.
7028 Sevilla Court# 504, Cape Canaveral, FL 32920 on the Map:
Listing #1549460 on Google Street View:
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Realtor Info
Agent Name: Lou Janke Ann & Rick
Phone#: 321-795-8541