Home - Homes For Sale - VT - Mount Holly - 05758 - 3192 Route 155

3192 Route 155, Mount Holly, VT 05758 - For Sale

Residential Property, Antique,Farmhouse,New Englander - Mount Holly, VT Charming 18th Century Antique Home on 7 acres. Ideal property for a home business or self-sustaining lifestyle. The charm of the home has been kept while opening up the kitchen to the dining area to accommodate today's lifestyle needs. The brick and slate mud room opens into the newly designed kitchen with soapstone and butcher-block counter-tops and pine and oak cupboards. The floors are wide pine and run through a large part of the house. The 6-burner SS Gas oven/range and 5' porcelain Cast Iron sink, matching dishwasher and refrigerator complete the kitchen features. New 200 amp electric service, Boderus Boiler, many new windows, and insulation have been done, but there is always more that can be done in any old home. This 4 bedroom home could be a small farm, as there is open land, apple trees, two ponds, a new small barn and workshop/studio. The location is convenient to Ludlow, Rutland, Weston and many VT Ski Resorts.

3192 Route 155 - listing #1551837

  • Type: Single Family
  • Price: $226,800
  • MLS#: 4366097
  • Letest update: 01/22/15
  • Bedrooms: 4
  • Bathrooms: 2.0
Real estate listing #1551837
Status: For Sale
Added: 2014-10-11 Updated: 2015-01-22
Address: 3192 Route 155,
Mount Holly, VT 05758 US
Price: $226,800
Please contact Gail Graves at
802-457-7128 for more details.
Gail Graves
 3192 Route 155, Mount Holly, VT photo

Useful information about Mount Holly, VT 05758 location:

The population of this area is about 862. The Average count of Households in this area is 630. Black population is about 1, White Population is about 840, Hispanic Population is about 2, Asian Population is about 2, Hawaiian Population is about 0, Indian Population is about 1, Other Population is about 2. Average Houses in this area is 98,600. Average Income per Household is $36,750. Median Age of population is 39.2 years.

3192 Route 155, Mount Holly, VT 05758 on the Map:

Listing #1551837 on Google Street View:

NOTE: Information about Single Family property that situated on 3192 Route 155, Mount Holly, VT 05758 was got from sources deemed reliable, however FreeRealEstateResources.com can't give warranty about listing details like price, agent contact information, property facts and status (foreclosed or not) because this information can be changed or withdrawal without notice. If You want to get more details about property please feel free to contact directly with this listing Agent or with property Owner.
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Realtor Info

Agent Name: Gail Graves
Phone#: 802-457-7128


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