109 HALF MOON CR # C3, Lakeworth, Florida 33462 - For Sale
Fall In Love! This Is The Best Condo With Spectacular Intracoastal Views From The Inside Out, Literally Steps To All Community Amenities. Beautifully Decorated & Maintained. Enjoy This Home's The Large Screened Lanai, Open Floor Plan. Master Suite, Master Bath Soaking Tub, Walk In Closets, Hurricane Shutters, Attic Stairs. ** Clubhouse, 2 Heated Pools, Tennis Courts, Billiards, Gazebo & Deck, Dry Sauna,& Showers, Bar Area, Large Pool Deck, Gazebo, Beach Area. Close To Everything Palm Beach Has To Offer! Features: Bbq/Picnic Area, Clubhouse-Clubroom, Billiard Room, Bar, Heated Pool, Kitchen Facilities, Exterior Lighting, Vehicle Wash Area, Sauna, Tennis, Pantry, Roman Tub, Stack Bedroom, Walk-In Closets, Bar, Screened Balcony, Storm/Security Shutters, High Impact Doors
109 HALF MOON CR # C3 - listing #1558139
- Type: Half Moon Bay
- Year Built: 1989
- Price: 315,000
- MLS#: A2021448
- Letest update: 10/26/14
- Bedrooms: 2
- Bathrooms: 2
Status: For Sale
Added: 2014-10-22 Updated: 2014-10-26
Lakeworth, Florida 33462 US
for more details.
Useful information about Lake Worth, Florida 33462 location:
The population of this area is about 26,221. The Average count of Households in this area is 12,881. Black population is about 2,782, White Population is about 21,257, Hispanic Population is about 3,870, Asian Population is about 268, Hawaiian Population is about 28, Indian Population is about 81, Other Population is about 1,037. Average Houses in this area is 94,700. Average Income per Household is $39,267. Median Age of population is 40.7 years.
109 HALF MOON CR # C3, Lakeworth, Florida 33462 on the Map:
Listing #1558139 on Google Street View:
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