1075 PONTE VEDRA BLVD, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082 - For Sale
Your ocean front estate awaits! This extraordinary oceanfront home is situated on a high bluff with expansive views of the Ocean. Located in a desirable and private section of Ponte Vedra Blvd, it will feel like you have your own private beach! An architectural wonder, most rooms in this home are octagonal, or stylized octagonal, including the staircase. This design allows for additional usable space in a room and receives more natural light, taking full advantage of the ocean landscape! The one owner custom home was totally renovated and updated between 2006 & 2008. New roof, new marble floors, new enlarged and redesigned kitchen including two 36' Sub-Zero refrigerator/freezers, Viking appliances, all new hurricane impact windows and elevator. This one is perfect and move in ready!
1075 PONTE VEDRA BLVD - listing #1568878
- Type: Single Family
- Price: $5,750,000
- MLS#: 740092
- Letest update: 12/30/14
- Bedrooms: 5
- Bathrooms: 9.0
Status: For Sale
Added: 2014-11-07 Updated: 2014-12-30
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082 US
904-553-2032 for more details.
![1075 PONTE VEDRA BLVD, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL photo](https://images.freerealestateresources.com/Vol1/FL/000001568/1568878/9f87392da225818bca7779cfc4932a77.jpg)
Useful information about Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082 location:
The population of this area is about 27,767. The Average count of Households in this area is 13,312. Black population is about 286, White Population is about 26,753, Hispanic Population is about 702, Asian Population is about 325, Hawaiian Population is about 6, Indian Population is about 44, Other Population is about 141. Average Houses in this area is 269,700. Average Income per Household is $73,987. Median Age of population is 42.0 years.
1075 PONTE VEDRA BLVD, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082 on the Map:
Listing #1568878 on Google Street View:
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Realtor Info
Agent Name: Elizabeth Hudgins
Phone#: 904-553-2032