962 Verdugo Circle Drive, Glendale, CA 91206 - For Sale
TRADITIONAL STYLE HOME Located in one of the most popular neighborhoods in Glendale, offers the best of what people want. Access, quality schools, sidewalks and places to walk plus short distance to shops. A gated fully bricked driveway and landscaped front lawn adds to the appeal of this 2 bedroom home, featuring all the traditions of the 1940's ERA. Beautiful hardwood floors complement the formal living room and dining room. French doors add old world charm. Lovely yard with trees, shade and a covered patio for entertaining. Offered at $659,000 Send Text Code T232578 to 81035 For More Info
962 Verdugo Circle Drive - listing #1571679
- Type: Single Family
- Price: $659,000
- Letest update: 11/12/14
Status: For Sale
Added: 2014-11-12 Updated: 2014-11-12
Glendale, CA 91206 US
818-550-1641 for more details.

Useful information about Glendale, CA 91206 location:
The population of this area is about 31,284. The Average count of Households in this area is 13,002. Black population is about 507, White Population is about 20,214, Hispanic Population is about 4,812, Asian Population is about 5,807, Hawaiian Population is about 33, Indian Population is about 59, Other Population is about 1,798. Average Houses in this area is 360,300. Average Income per Household is $41,674. Median Age of population is 39.4 years.
962 Verdugo Circle Drive, Glendale, CA 91206 on the Map:
Listing #1571679 on Google Street View:
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Realtor Info
Agent Name: Betty Rohr
Phone#: 818-550-1641