16-1512 UHINI ANA RD, Mountain View, HI 96771 - For Sale
Business,Land, Single Wall/Dbl Board - MOUNTAIN VIEW, HI 2- 5,760 Green Houses (3 new extra greenhouse covers). A 25,000 gallon water catchment tank. 2- 1.86 acre parcels = 3.72 acres (300'X542.5').<br><br>Strawberry's and Tomatoes currently planted and in production hydroponically. ( With more hydroponic grow pots for 1/3 size expansion.) <br><br>Approximately 20 Bee hives with bees and a manual honey extractor.<br><br>Farm shed 10'X 16'<br><br>One of the properties is fenced 3/4 of the way around with enough fencing wire to complete (not posts).<br><br>Information herein deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Buyer and Buyers agent to do his or her own due diligence investigation of all the pertinent facts.
16-1512 UHINI ANA RD - listing #1574739
- Type: Lot/Land
- Price: $300,000
- MLS#: 277494
- Letest update: 02/19/15
- Bedrooms: 1
Status: For Sale
Added: 2014-11-18 Updated: 2015-02-19
Mountain View, HI 96771 US
808-935-4700 for more details.

Useful information about Mountain View, HI 96771 location:
The population of this area is about 4,410. The Average count of Households in this area is 1,901. Black population is about 26, White Population is about 1,566, Hispanic Population is about 601, Asian Population is about 725, Hawaiian Population is about 506, Indian Population is about 41, Other Population is about 59. Average Houses in this area is 91,400. Average Income per Household is $28,281. Median Age of population is 36.4 years.
16-1512 UHINI ANA RD, Mountain View, HI 96771 on the Map:
Listing #1574739 on Google Street View:
NOTE: Information about Lot/Land property that situated on 16-1512 UHINI ANA RD, Mountain View, HI 96771 was got from sources deemed reliable,
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Realtor Info
Agent Name: Stubbs, Theodore R
Phone#: 808-935-4700