2535 Walden Lake Dr, Decatur, GA 30035 - For Sale
Great townhouse in Gated Walden Lake Community! Brand new carpet throughout! Freshly painted and move in ready! All appliances stay including washer & dryer and refrigerator! Upstairs you will find two spacious bedrooms, each with its own bath! And conveniently located laundry room. Downstairs there is a large living room, nice kitchen with spacious pantry, separate dining and half bath. Out back there is a private patio and storage room that is heated and cooled. So much for the money!Why rent when this can be yours for less!
2535 Walden Lake Dr - listing #1606967
- Type: Single Family Home
- Year Built: 2005
- Price: 82,000
- MLS#: 6027976
- Letest update: 06/18/18
- Bedrooms: 2
- Bathrooms: 3
- Area Size (SF): 1344
Status: For Sale
Added: 2015-01-24 Updated: 2018-06-18
Decatur, GA 30035 US
770-787-7777 for more details.
Useful information about Decatur, GA 30035 location:
The population of this area is about 19,151. The Average count of Households in this area is 6,861. Black population is about 17,116, White Population is about 1,460, Hispanic Population is about 332, Asian Population is about 159, Hawaiian Population is about 4, Indian Population is about 30, Other Population is about 136. Average Houses in this area is 97,200. Average Income per Household is $46,223. Median Age of population is 30.9 years.
2535 Walden Lake Dr, Decatur, GA 30035 on the Map:
Listing #1606967 on Google Street View:
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Realtor Info
Agent Name: Debi Jackson
Company Name: Re/Max Agents Realty
Phone#: 770-787-7777