180 Dixon Road, Demorest, GA 30535 - For Sale
Unbelievable deal! Home and Land for an unbeatable price! 7 bed/4.5 bath home on 11.77 acres!! One of the largest master suites you will ever see w/large walk in closets/tanning room/office! Master bath fitted w/his/her vanities & a seperate shower & jacuzzi tub. 2 gas fireplaces. Large entertainment area w/a wet bar & theatre larger than most living rooms! Upstairs boasts potential for an in-law suite or income producing rental at 4bed/2bath with it's own laundry and power! Home Warranty! Agent can show tour of property, call for appointment!
180 Dixon Road - listing #1618936
- Type: Residential
- Year Built: 1986
- Price: 269,000
- Letest update: 11/01/15
- Bedrooms: 7
- Bathrooms: 4.50
- Fire Place: 2
- Heating Type: Gas, Heat Pump
- Area Size (SF): 6,018
Status: For Sale
Added: 2015-02-17 Updated: 2015-11-01
Demorest, GA 30535 US
for more details.
Useful information about Demorest, GA 30535 location:
The population of this area is about 5,804. The Average count of Households in this area is 2,436. Black population is about 77, White Population is about 5,566, Hispanic Population is about 173, Asian Population is about 21, Hawaiian Population is about 4, Indian Population is about 13, Other Population is about 80. Average Houses in this area is 89,300. Average Income per Household is $33,849. Median Age of population is 37.5 years.
180 Dixon Road, Demorest, GA 30535 on the Map:
Listing #1618936 on Google Street View:
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