2509 Cub Lake Ct, Loveland, CO 80538 - For Sale
Residential-Detached, 2 Story - Loveland, CO Welcome home to this stunning 5-bedroom, 4.5 bathroom 2-story that backs to open space. This home features high-end finishes throughout including an upgraded chef's kitchen, hardwood floors on the main level, hand troweled wall texture, granite countertops, touch-activated faucets, a 2-sided fireplace in the great room, a finished walkout basement with 10-foot ceilings, extended master retreat and 2-tone interior paint. Est. Delivery date Feb 2015
2509 Cub Lake Ct - listing #1637193
- Type: Single Family
- Price: $645,939
- MLS#: 750282
- Letest update: 03/27/15
- Bedrooms: 5
- Bathrooms: 5.0
Status: For Sale
Added: 2015-03-20 Updated: 2015-03-27
Loveland, CO 80538 US
720-838-3051 for more details.
![2509 Cub Lake Ct, Loveland, CO photo](https://images.freerealestateresources.com/Vol1/CO/000001637/1637193/4e52e8bca18cd4275d8a59d741a4060c.jpg)
Useful information about Loveland, CO 80538 location:
The population of this area is about 35,217. The Average count of Households in this area is 13,703. Black population is about 116, White Population is about 33,102, Hispanic Population is about 2,386, Asian Population is about 285, Hawaiian Population is about 11, Indian Population is about 223, Other Population is about 859. Average Houses in this area is 166,700. Average Income per Household is $51,991. Median Age of population is 37.7 years.
2509 Cub Lake Ct, Loveland, CO 80538 on the Map:
Listing #1637193 on Google Street View:
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Realtor Info
Agent Name: Gumbs Amal
Phone#: 720-838-3051