276 Mariah Drive, Woodbine, GA 31569 - For Sale
Deep Water on Crooked River Wind Gables Subd. .All brick, Approx 1893 sq.ft. 3BR/2BA, hardwood floors, 800ft. dock - 13ft low tide - 18ft high tide, concrete floater w/water steel pipe pilings, aluminum ramp or gangway . Natural gas water heater. 12x14 sun room. 2.44 acres of which .57 acres upland and 101 ft. on Crooked River. Great rm with wood stove fireplace. Kitchen/Dining rm with breakfast bar. Freshly painted. Convenient to I-95, Mamie Lou Gross Elementary School, and public boat landing.
276 Mariah Drive - listing #1638720
- Type: Single Family
- Price: $323,000
- MLS#: 7284130
- Letest update: 04/17/15
Status: For Sale
Added: 2015-03-22 Updated: 2015-04-17
Woodbine, GA 31569 US
912-552-4766 for more details.

Useful information about Woodbine, GA 31569 location:
The population of this area is about 4,943. The Average count of Households in this area is 2,124. Black population is about 1,314, White Population is about 3,515, Hispanic Population is about 77, Asian Population is about 24, Hawaiian Population is about 2, Indian Population is about 25, Other Population is about 19. Average Houses in this area is 89,800. Average Income per Household is $42,416. Median Age of population is 35.8 years.
276 Mariah Drive, Woodbine, GA 31569 on the Map:
Listing #1638720 on Google Street View:
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Realtor Info
Agent Name: Jacobs Ginny
Phone#: 912-552-4766