9050 SW 57 AV, Pinecrest, Florida 33156 - For Sale
Magnificance in Pinecrest! The first time this walled & gated 59,241 oak laden property, custom built in 1991 has ever graced the market. Marble & dark wd flrs, high ceilings & lots of windows create a wonderful feel. The layout is perfect w/ the well appointed master privately situated on one side and 4 additional bedrooms on the other, all off a 2nd fam rm, lrg kit opening & fam rm overlook the unparalleled backyard w/ beautiful pool & jacuzzi, cabana w/ built in grill, tennis court and lots of land! Lrg laundry rm & 3 car gar. For more details visit www.9050SW57Avenue.com. Features: Bar, Cooking Island, Skylight, Walk-In Closets, Open Porch, Patio, Hurricane Shutters, Tennis Court
9050 SW 57 AV - listing #1653965
- Type: Single Family
- Year Built: 1991
- Price: 2,999,999
- MLS#: A2099945
- Letest update: 03/26/16
- Bedrooms: 6
- Bathrooms: 5 / 1
Status: For Sale
Added: 2015-04-15 Updated: 2016-03-26
Pinecrest, Florida 33156 US
for more details.
Useful information about Miami, Florida 33156 location:
The population of this area is about 31,450. The Average count of Households in this area is 11,197. Black population is about 673, White Population is about 28,280, Hispanic Population is about 10,939, Asian Population is about 1,264, Hawaiian Population is about 7, Indian Population is about 48, Other Population is about 524. Average Houses in this area is 375,300. Average Income per Household is $86,823. Median Age of population is 38.1 years.
9050 SW 57 AV, Pinecrest, Florida 33156 on the Map:
Listing #1653965 on Google Street View:
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