Home - Homes For Sale - VA - Dulles - 20104 - 20104 65TH AVENUE E

20104 65TH AVENUE E, Bradenton, FL 20104 - For Sale

Single Family Home - BRADENTON, FL This magnificent custom equestrian estate is set on 10 beautiful acres. This estate, which is located in Panther Ridge offers 2 ponds and grazing pastures. The neighborhood has hiking/horse trails, multiple ponds and a park. This estate boasts over 4800 square feet including a 2 car garage, detached guest house, and a barn with multiple stalls and tack room. The first floor of the main home features a resort style master bedroom with french doors leading to a very private pool and backyard oasis. The luxurious master bathroom has his and her sinks, walk in closets, garden tub, and gorgeous walk in shower. Also on the main floor are 2 additional bedrooms, a living room, dining room and a family room with a gorgeous stone fireplace. The open kitchen has stunning blue pearl granite and backsplash . The wrought iron staircase adjacent to the kitchen leads to the 2nd floor which has 2 bedrooms and a large bonus room/game room ideal for entertaining. The large studio style guest house has a full bathroom and a kitchenette. The guest house overlooks the pool and has its own private entrance. This home is in a very secluded setting and has access to local beaches, shopping and entertainment. Whether you are a nature or equestrian enthusiast, you will find this gorgeous property has so much to offer and with 10 acres the sky is the limit.

20104 65TH AVENUE E - listing #1693934

  • Type: Single Family
  • Price: $1,249,000
  • MLS#: A4117440
  • Letest update: 07/03/15
  • Bedrooms: 6
  • Bathrooms: 4.0
Real estate listing #1693934
Status: For Sale
Added: 2015-06-23 Updated: 2015-07-03
Address: 20104 65TH AVENUE E,
Bradenton, FL 20104 US
Price: $1,249,000
Please contact Behrends Lily at
941-526-9121 for more details.
Behrends Lily
 20104 65TH AVENUE E, Bradenton, FL photo

Useful information about Dulles, FL 20104 location:

The population of this area is about 0. The Average count of Households in this area is 0. Black population is about 0, White Population is about 0, Hispanic Population is about 0, Asian Population is about 0, Hawaiian Population is about 0, Indian Population is about 0, Other Population is about 0. Average Houses in this area is 0. Average Income per Household is $0. Median Age of population is 0.0 years.

20104 65TH AVENUE E, Bradenton, FL 20104 on the Map:

Listing #1693934 on Google Street View:

NOTE: Information about Single Family property that situated on 20104 65TH AVENUE E, Bradenton, FL 20104 was got from sources deemed reliable, however FreeRealEstateResources.com can't give warranty about listing details like price, agent contact information, property facts and status (foreclosed or not) because this information can be changed or withdrawal without notice. If You want to get more details about property please feel free to contact directly with this listing Agent or with property Owner.
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Realtor Info

Agent Name: Behrends Lily
Phone#: 941-526-9121


Report About Real estate listing #1693934

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