Tracts 3A2, 3B1 Old Addie Rd, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805 - For Sale
22+ Ac w/ 1400' Moyie River Frontage! 22.07 River Front acres in the heart of N. Idaho. Peaceful setting with approx. 1400' of Moyie River frontage! Level acreage with several possible building sites & plenty of room for grazing. Located just minutes from hundreds of acres of USFS land. Enjoy all the outdoor activities you desire from hunting and hiking to fishing, swimming & more. Abundant wildlife call this area home. County road access and power is to the property line. Additional parcels & acreage combinations available. Call for further details. Rare opportunity! Don't let it pass you by! 20153166 $195,000
Tracts 3A2, 3B1 Old Addie Rd - listing #1746604
- Type: Lot/Land
- Price: $195,000
- MLS#: 20153166
- Letest update: 10/07/15
Status: For Sale
Added: 2015-10-07 Updated: 2015-10-07
Bonners Ferry, ID 83805 US
208-267-3123 for more details.
Useful information about Bonners Ferry, ID 83805 location:
The population of this area is about 6,436. The Average count of Households in this area is 2,651. Black population is about 13, White Population is about 6,131, Hispanic Population is about 172, Asian Population is about 39, Hawaiian Population is about 1, Indian Population is about 157, Other Population is about 43. Average Houses in this area is 94,400. Average Income per Household is $30,368. Median Age of population is 38.2 years.
Tracts 3A2, 3B1 Old Addie Rd, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805 on the Map:
Listing #1746604 on Google Street View:
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Realtor Info
Agent Name: Farrell Joe
Phone#: 208-267-3123