7110 Cedar Knoll Drive, Gainesville, GA 30506 - For Sale
Lake Lanier home, with easy walk to single slip dock located at six-mile creek, Southside of the lake, hardwood floor on main, first floor has master BR W/updated master BA, gourmet kitchen with granite counter top, cherry cabinets, SS appliances, large dining room, great room with tong and groove ceiling, FPLC, sunroom with lake view, powder room, second floor has 2 bedroom and full bath. Finished Terrace level, 3 HVAC. List price include Dock and 31 foot Sea Ray Boat, has 2 engines each has 350 horse power. NEAR GA. 400, ENJOY BOATING, FISHING, SWIMMING .
7110 Cedar Knoll Drive - listing #1784884
- Type: Residential
- Year Built: 1980
- Price: 669,000
- Letest update: 04/22/17
- Bedrooms: 5
- Bathrooms: 4.50
- Fire Place: 2
- Heating Type: Electric, Heat Pump, Zoned
- Area Size (SF): 4,076
Status: For Sale
Added: 2016-01-31 Updated: 2017-04-22
Gainesville, GA 30506 US
for more details.
Useful information about Gainesville, GA 30506 location:
The population of this area is about 31,610. The Average count of Households in this area is 12,732. Black population is about 267, White Population is about 29,971, Hispanic Population is about 2,010, Asian Population is about 117, Hawaiian Population is about 6, Indian Population is about 88, Other Population is about 827. Average Houses in this area is 145,600. Average Income per Household is $51,847. Median Age of population is 36.4 years.
7110 Cedar Knoll Drive, Gainesville, GA 30506 on the Map:
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