295 Medridge Drive, Johns Creek, GA 30022 - For Sale
Wonderful, hard to find 4 side brick stepless ranch in fabulous Johns Creek location that has been lovingly maintained by original owner. Open floorplan perfect for entertaining! Entry foyer w/newly refinished hardwoods flanked by dining rm that seats 12+, living rm with built-ins and a dual fireplace also opens to cozy family rm. Spacious kitchen w/lg island and view to sunfilled breakfast area. Note the leaded glass kitchen cabinet doors over desk! All appliances remain. Newly painted and carpeted bdrms. French doors off master lead to office or perfect for nursery.
295 Medridge Drive - listing #1792812
- Type: Residential
- Year Built: 1993
- Price: 390,000
- Letest update: 05/08/16
- Bedrooms: 4
- Bathrooms: 2.50
- Fire Place: 1
- Heating Type: Forced Air, Gas
- Area Size (SF): 2,175
Status: For Sale
Added: 2016-02-27 Updated: 2016-05-08
Johns Creek, GA 30022 US
for more details.
Useful information about Alpharetta, GA 30022 location:
The population of this area is about 54,453. The Average count of Households in this area is 19,721. Black population is about 3,879, White Population is about 44,071, Hispanic Population is about 2,331, Asian Population is about 4,691, Hawaiian Population is about 10, Indian Population is about 58, Other Population is about 779. Average Houses in this area is 235,000. Average Income per Household is $93,150. Median Age of population is 34.2 years.
295 Medridge Drive, Johns Creek, GA 30022 on the Map:
Listing #1792812 on Google Street View:
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