7003 NW 115th Ct # 7003, Doral, Florida 33178 - For Sale
Your family will love this gorgeous 2-story townhome next to a private play area. This 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bathroom home has an upgraded granite kitchen, spacious garage, vaulted living room and cozy family room. Wake up to breakfast on your landscaped patio and sleep each night in a super quiet neighborhood with 24-hour security. Situated in Doral's friendly Barbados community, near "A" rated Eugenia B Thomas Elementary School, just one minute from the Florida Turnpike. Offered for sale or lease. Features: Bike/Jog Path, Clubhouse-Clubroom, Exercise Room, First Floor Entry, Closets Cabinetry, Vaulted Ceilings, Walk-In Closets, Fence, Patio
7003 NW 115th Ct # 7003 - listing #1847418
- Year Built: 2002
- Price: 430,000
- MLS#: A10130598
- Letest update: 01/01/17
- Bedrooms: 3
- Bathrooms: 2 / 1
Status: For Sale
Added: 2016-08-11 Updated: 2017-01-01
Doral, Florida 33178 US
for more details.
Useful information about Miami, Florida 33178 location:
The population of this area is about 15,272. The Average count of Households in this area is 7,186. Black population is about 441, White Population is about 12,993, Hispanic Population is about 9,933, Asian Population is about 747, Hawaiian Population is about 3, Indian Population is about 6, Other Population is about 504. Average Houses in this area is 178,900. Average Income per Household is $61,897. Median Age of population is 33.3 years.
7003 NW 115th Ct # 7003, Doral, Florida 33178 on the Map:
Listing #1847418 on Google Street View:
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