326 Harrison St # 301A, Hollywood, Florida 33019 - For Sale
JUST REDUCED!!! READY TO MAKE A DEAL! MONEY MAKER! Unique newly renovated PH very spacious 3 bed 2 bath in intimate beach complex! Features priv elevator to PH level! All new high end, eat in kitchen, wood laminate floors, lrg living rm, ocean views & pool. Steps to famous Hollywood Broadwalk shops, dining, high end hotels! No rental restrictions! Priv off street parkg. Easy rental. Look @ Vacasa online Adv #5087! Comp newer condos priced upwards of $850K. Features: Bbq/Picnic Area, Common Laundry, Elevator, Pool, First Floor Entry, Third Floor Entry, Built-Ins, Closets Cabinetry, Elevator, French Doors, Walk-In Closets, Barbeque, Courtyard
326 Harrison St # 301A - listing #1850522
- Type: Windwood Seas
- Year Built: 1990
- Price: 399,000
- MLS#: A10127906
- Letest update: 02/03/17
- Bedrooms: 3
- Bathrooms: 2
Status: For Sale
Added: 2016-08-19 Updated: 2017-02-03
Hollywood, Florida 33019 US
for more details.
Useful information about Hollywood, Florida 33019 location:
The population of this area is about 17,432. The Average count of Households in this area is 14,410. Black population is about 231, White Population is about 16,642, Hispanic Population is about 2,320, Asian Population is about 144, Hawaiian Population is about 14, Indian Population is about 22, Other Population is about 151. Average Houses in this area is 213,500. Average Income per Household is $47,324. Median Age of population is 52.5 years.
326 Harrison St # 301A, Hollywood, Florida 33019 on the Map:
Listing #1850522 on Google Street View:
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