1271 SE 28th Ct # 104, Homestead, Florida 33035 - Condo For Rent
DIRECT lake view + on the 1st floor so you can walk out to green belt and lake + NO carpets (16x16 ALL tiled floors) + $100 Move-In Incentive from Landlord to YOU + storage room for extra storage + only a 2-story building + washer/dryer in unit AND near shopping, restaurants, highways, transportation & more. Oh yeah, this is the one! Looking for a very neat and would prefer a long-term tenant. No smoking in unit, please. No pets. Background checks performed. Ready for immediate occupancy. Features: Card/Electric Gate, Community Pool, Guard At Gate, Other Amenities, Security Patrol, First Floor Entry, Foyer Entry, Other, Pantry, Split Bedroom, Volume Ceilings, Walk-In Closets, Open Porch, Hurricane Shutters
1271 SE 28th Ct # 104 - listing #1868770
- Type: Condo
- Year Built: 2003
- Price: 1,100
- MLS#: A10168058
- Letest update: 11/28/16
- Bedrooms: 2
- Bathrooms: 2
Status: For Rent
Added: 2016-10-27 Updated: 2016-11-28
Homestead, Florida 33035 US
for more details.
Useful information about Homestead, Florida 33035 location:
The population of this area is about 2,762. The Average count of Households in this area is 1,231. Black population is about 274, White Population is about 2,228, Hispanic Population is about 746, Asian Population is about 71, Hawaiian Population is about 1, Indian Population is about 5, Other Population is about 113. Average Houses in this area is 94,900. Average Income per Household is $45,905. Median Age of population is 35.4 years.
1271 SE 28th Ct # 104, Homestead, Florida 33035 on the Map:
Listing #1868770 on Google Street View:
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