1341 Ewing Creek, Dacula, GA 30019 - For Sale
CUSTOM HOME BEAUTIFULLY PERFECTED! Gated neighborhood in award winning school district. 4 sided custom built brick home with 4 car garage. Heated pool and spa with beach tanning area. Spacious master on the main with french doors leading to quality Trek decking. Find large duel Jack-N-Jill bedrooms upstairs. Terrace level is an entertainers dream! Family room with build-ins and wet bar. Room is accented with built in TV and stacked stone fireplace. Billiards room, weight room and theater room even in-law teen area can be found in this well thought out space.
1341 Ewing Creek - listing #1886225
- Type: Residential
- Year Built: 2003
- Price: 559,995
- Letest update: 02/07/17
- Bedrooms: 5
- Bathrooms: 4.50
- Fire Place: 3
- Heating Type: Heat Pump
- Area Size (SF): 5,886
Status: For Sale
Added: 2016-12-31 Updated: 2017-02-07
Dacula, GA 30019 US
for more details.
Useful information about Dacula, GA 30019 location:
The population of this area is about 19,703. The Average count of Households in this area is 6,851. Black population is about 892, White Population is about 18,099, Hispanic Population is about 559, Asian Population is about 311, Hawaiian Population is about 2, Indian Population is about 39, Other Population is about 149. Average Houses in this area is 151,600. Average Income per Household is $69,205. Median Age of population is 33.7 years.
1341 Ewing Creek, Dacula, GA 30019 on the Map:
Listing #1886225 on Google Street View:
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