335 Destiny Trace, Alpharetta, GA 30009 - For Sale
Gorgeous and true renovation in the heart of Alpharetta's west side, just a stone's throw to dining/shopping/city center. This ranch home on full finished basement features open concept living, exquisite master suite, modern touches, generous room and light-filled living spaces. Also not to miss is the media room and downstairs suite with large bedroom, living room and private bath. New tile, plumbing, insulation, lighting, faucets, water heaters and more! Lovely outdoor living too: newly finished patio includes retractable awning, a level backyard, new parking pad.
335 Destiny Trace - listing #1889434
- Type: Single Family Home
- Year Built: 1990
- Price: 639,000
- MLS#: 6001486
- Letest update: 05/09/18
- Bedrooms: 4
- Bathrooms: 4
- Fire Place: In Great/Fam Room
- Heating Type: Forced Air, Gas
- Sewer Type: Septic Tank
- Area Size (SF): 5026
Status: For Sale
Added: 2017-01-17 Updated: 2018-05-09
Alpharetta, GA 30009 US
404-537-5200 for more details.
Useful information about Alpharetta, GA 30009 location:
The population of this area is about 0. The Average count of Households in this area is 0. Black population is about 0, White Population is about 0, Hispanic Population is about 0, Asian Population is about 0, Hawaiian Population is about 0, Indian Population is about 0, Other Population is about 0. Average Houses in this area is 0. Average Income per Household is $0. Median Age of population is 0.0 years.
335 Destiny Trace, Alpharetta, GA 30009 on the Map:
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Realtor Info
Agent Name: Melissa Morgan
Company Name: Berkshire Hathaway Homeservices Georgia Properties
Phone#: 404-537-5200