4820 SW 161st Ln, Miramar, Florida 33027 - For Sale
1st FL, 2nd fl, Stairs all MARBLE FLOORS. professional landscaping, In this drive way you can park about 15 cars. The kitchen is every ones dreams, big family room. House is already wired for high speed internet, HD TV, and cable. In the back yard you have a cover patio, and a big green area where you can have a football game, or a nice BBQ. Nice balcony off master bedroom, the house has modern bathrooms, A LOT of premiums in this house, the largest house in Rivera Isle. Features: First Floor Entry, Volume Ceilings, Walk-In Closets
4820 SW 161st Ln - listing #1905585
- Type: Single Family
- Year Built: 2002
- Price: 799,000
- MLS#: A10227120
- Letest update: 04/11/17
- Bedrooms: 6
- Bathrooms: 5 / 1
Status: For Sale
Added: 2017-04-05 Updated: 2017-04-11
Miramar, Florida 33027 US
for more details.
Useful information about Hollywood, Florida 33027 location:
The population of this area is about 25,471. The Average count of Households in this area is 14,502. Black population is about 2,713, White Population is about 20,624, Hispanic Population is about 7,712, Asian Population is about 610, Hawaiian Population is about 13, Indian Population is about 23, Other Population is about 813. Average Houses in this area is 179,400. Average Income per Household is $36,502. Median Age of population is 49.9 years.
4820 SW 161st Ln, Miramar, Florida 33027 on the Map:
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