205 Red Rock Road, Boulder City, NV 89005 - For Sale
Minutes from world class, fishing & boating! This Pete Larez designed custom features a flexible floor plan; an open chefs kitchen w/ granite counters & sub zero; formal dining room; great room w/ fireplace, 12' ceilings, upgraded flooring & smart home wiring. In addition, master is on main level. Located 3 steps up is 1st of 2 private ensuites w/ walk-in closet. Pebble tech pool/spa. Attached 2 car gar + 43' RV gar. Hurry home-life is waiting!
205 Red Rock Road - listing #1959374
- Type: Single Family
- Year Built: 2001
- Price: 950,000
- MLS#: 1943388
- Letest update: 01/04/18
- Bedrooms: 3
- Bathrooms: 3
- Flooring: Ceramic
- Living Area (SF): 3083
- Fire Place: Gas
- Sewer Type: Public
- Area Size (SF): 0.42
Status: For Sale
Added: 2017-11-01 Updated: 2018-01-04
Boulder City, NV 89005 US
702-500-0569 for more details.
Useful information about Boulder City, NV 89005 location:
The population of this area is about 15,075. The Average count of Households in this area is 7,108. Black population is about 109, White Population is about 14,249, Hispanic Population is about 655, Asian Population is about 108, Hawaiian Population is about 25, Indian Population is about 108, Other Population is about 190. Average Houses in this area is 172,500. Average Income per Household is $50,622. Median Age of population is 47.0 years.
205 Red Rock Road, Boulder City, NV 89005 on the Map:
Listing #1959374 on Google Street View:
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Realtor Info
Agent Name: Eric Gonzalez
Phone#: 702-500-0569