496 N Avery Rd NW, Rome, GA 30165 - For Sale
Enjoy peaceful mornings sipping coffee on this lovely covered front porch. Inside this large home boasts 5 BR 3 full BA which includes an additional in-law suite. An open floorplan with beautiful laminate hardwood floors, a gorgeous stone fireplace with gas logs and built-in bookcases. A kitchen designed for the cooking enthusiast that includes a prep sink, SS appliances, custom cabinets, and a space for a second refrigerator/freezer. Large back deck, enclosed fenced area for a playground or for pets. Additional 30x40 building/workshop and separate out building.
496 N Avery Rd NW - listing #2049790
- Type: Single Family Home
- Year Built: 1979
- Price: 229,900
- MLS#: 6011525
- Letest update: 05/17/18
- Bedrooms: 5
- Bathrooms: 3
- Fire Place: Factory Built
- Heating Type: Electric, Gas
- Sewer Type: Pub Swr In Strt
- Area Size (SF): -1
Status: For Sale
Added: 2018-05-17 Updated: 2018-05-17
Rome, GA 30165 US
706-291-4321 for more details.
Useful information about Rome, GA 30165 location:
The population of this area is about 37,162. The Average count of Households in this area is 14,812. Black population is about 3,538, White Population is about 30,620, Hispanic Population is about 3,009, Asian Population is about 607, Hawaiian Population is about 56, Indian Population is about 146, Other Population is about 1,680. Average Houses in this area is 86,500. Average Income per Household is $35,476. Median Age of population is 34.0 years.
496 N Avery Rd NW, Rome, GA 30165 on the Map:
Listing #2049790 on Google Street View:
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Realtor Info
Agent Name: Robert Rogers
Company Name: Hardy Realty And Development Company
Phone#: 706-291-4321