3409 Lakewind Way, Alpharetta, GA 30005 - For Sale
Looking for hard to find RANCH with open floor plan.... This charming hard coat stucco w/pool won't last! Entertaining is a pleasure in fireside living room with views of pool * HUGE Kitchen w/island, breakfast room & open to stacked stone fireside Keeping Rm *Master suite w/vaulted ceilings surrounded by windows overlooks fabulous flat back yard; make you feel like you are in your own private paradise * Two secondary bedrooms share Jack and Jill bath *High ceilings throughout, Spacious & Bright home with lots of natural light *Walk up stairs to the attic storage
3409 Lakewind Way - listing #2065295
- Type: Single Family Home
- Year Built: 1981
- Price: 439,000
- MLS#: 6034174
- Letest update: 06/28/18
- Bedrooms: 3
- Bathrooms: 3
- Fire Place: Factory Built, Gas Log, Great/Family Room, Keeping Room
- Heating Type: Forced Air, Natural Gas
- Sewer Type: Public Sewer
- Area Size (SF): 2843
Status: For Sale
Added: 2018-06-28 Updated: 2018-06-28
Alpharetta, GA 30005 US
770-475-0505 for more details.
Useful information about Alpharetta, GA 30005 location:
The population of this area is about 27,075. The Average count of Households in this area is 9,876. Black population is about 1,404, White Population is about 22,666, Hispanic Population is about 894, Asian Population is about 2,281, Hawaiian Population is about 3, Indian Population is about 40, Other Population is about 282. Average Houses in this area is 256,200. Average Income per Household is $98,545. Median Age of population is 32.9 years.
3409 Lakewind Way, Alpharetta, GA 30005 on the Map:
Listing #2065295 on Google Street View:
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Realtor Info
Agent Name: Amy Herington
Company Name: Berkshire Hathaway Homeservices Georgia Properties
Phone#: 770-475-0505