15362 MYSTIC ROCK DRIVE, CARMEL, IN 46033 - For Sale
Public Comments:Great opportunity for maintenance free living at an affordable price. Youll enjoy the extra windows this end unit offers. Classic 3 story townhome accented w hardwood flrs thruout main level. Lowest level has finished space for playroom-office-or den. Large kitchen on main level w- 2 sided fireplace between breakfast area-room and great room. Upstairs are 3 spacious bedrooms + 2 full baths. The master bath includes a separate stall shower, garden tub, dual sinks, and walk-in closet. Realtor to Realtor comments:This property is being marketed subject to review of the title by VA. Bank America Prequalification required on all offers. Free appraisal and credit report if buyer finances through Bank of America Home Loans - Please allow 2-3 business days for seller response. Property offered "as is." EM = 1% offer amount required with all offers. ALSO, $287.50 annual HOA, AND $150 monthly social membership. " DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS owned property. Finan
15362 MYSTIC ROCK DRIVE - listing #308232
- Price: $141,900.00
- Letest update: 08/04/11
- Foreclosure Owner: Veterans Affairs
Status: For Sale
Added: 2011-07-22 Updated: 2011-08-04
for more details.
![15362 MYSTIC ROCK DRIVE, CARMEL, IN photo](https://images.freerealestateresources.com/IN/000000308/308232/1c5869baee768a3751a3ff983d85618c.jpg)
Useful information about Carmel, IN 46033 location:
The population of this area is about 29,067. The Average count of Households in this area is 9,833. Black population is about 384, White Population is about 27,039, Hispanic Population is about 580, Asian Population is about 1,170, Hawaiian Population is about 16, Indian Population is about 29, Other Population is about 189. Average Houses in this area is 219,200. Average Income per Household is $100,270. Median Age of population is 36.8 years.
15362 MYSTIC ROCK DRIVE, CARMEL, IN 46033 on the Map:
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