40022 Bluebird Ln, Palmdale, CA 93551 - For Sale
Description: Located at the AV Country Club, this impressive 2 story Condo boasts the perfect location with easy access to shopping, the freeway _ the club house at the AV Country Club Golf Course. The entrance opens to a diagonally set tile floor that continues through the ground level beginning in the living room highlighted by a large fireplace. The kitchen enjoys Corian counters, plenty of cabinetry _ a convenient design. At the top of the staircase, the master bedroom has wood laminate flooring, crown molding _ a master bathroom with travertine tile floors and matching bathtub _ backsplash that runs to the ceiling. The hall bathroom has similar travertine floor _ shower, 2 tiled walls and is shared by the remaining two bedrooms. Outside, the mature landscaping is maintained by the HOA and can be enjoyed by the enclosed balconies. Close on or before 10/31/2011 and receive 3.5c in seller concessions and buyers agent receives c1200 bonus! Some restrictions apply.
40022 Bluebird Ln - listing #356744
- Type: Condo/Co op
- Year Built: 1981
- Price: 159,900
- MLS#: F11085847
- Letest update: 08/03/11
- Foreclosure Owner: Fannie Mae
- Bedrooms: 3
- Bathrooms: 3
- Sewer Type: Public
- Area Size (SF): 4,574
Status: For Sale
Added: 2011-07-25 Updated: 2011-08-03
Palmdale, CA 93551 US
for more details.
Useful information about Palmdale, CA 93551 location:
The population of this area is about 34,036. The Average count of Households in this area is 11,378. Black population is about 3,000, White Population is about 24,146, Hispanic Population is about 6,596, Asian Population is about 1,937, Hawaiian Population is about 53, Indian Population is about 265, Other Population is about 2,943. Average Houses in this area is 165,600. Average Income per Household is $68,057. Median Age of population is 35.5 years.
40022 Bluebird Ln, Palmdale, CA 93551 on the Map:
Listing #356744 on Google Street View:
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