201 Bernard Ave, Venice, CA 90291 - For Sale
Lender Owned/REO!! Very cute 3 bedroom + 1 bathroom Venice home located north of Rose and west of Lincoln. Property includes harwood floors, tiled kitchen & bath, and seperate dining room. Propety is currently occupied by tenants. All offers must be submitted with non-owner occupant prequal and/or proof of funds. For seller financing incentives, agents and their buyers are requested to contact our designated Chase Loan Officer. ONE TIME GROUP SHOWING INFORMATION IN PRIVATE REMARKS. OFFERS BEING SUBMITTED ON TUESDAY, JUNE 28th. PLEASE READ PRIVATE REMARKS BEFORE CALLING LISTING AGENT. IF ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS PLEASE EMAIL OR TEXT LISTING AGENT FIRST. THANKS!
201 Bernard Ave - listing #438385
- Type: Single Family House
- Price: $595,000
- MLS#: 11-536007
- Letest update: 08/31/11
- Bedrooms: 3
- Bathrooms: 1
- Flooring: Tile (N), Hardwood
- Area Size (SF): 1,194 sqft
Status: For Sale
Added: 2011-08-31 Updated: 2011-08-31
Venice, CA 90291 US
for more details.

Useful information about Venice, CA 90291 location:
The population of this area is about 31,018. The Average count of Households in this area is 16,233. Black population is about 2,087, White Population is about 22,171, Hispanic Population is about 7,834, Asian Population is about 1,147, Hawaiian Population is about 48, Indian Population is about 295, Other Population is about 3,694. Average Houses in this area is 372,300. Average Income per Household is $45,769. Median Age of population is 34.1 years.
201 Bernard Ave, Venice, CA 90291 on the Map:
Listing #438385 on Google Street View:
NOTE: Information about Single Family House property that situated on 201 Bernard Ave, Venice, CA 90291 was got from sources deemed reliable,
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